Vox machina
Vox machina

vox machina

This is a tried and true item for adventuring parties, and Vox Machina is no exception.Badass Crew: Again, D&D adventuring party, notable for its sheer variety of badass flavours.And then double-subverted in Episode 37 when Uriel drops all charges against Vox Machina after being freed of Sylas Briarwood's charm effect. Subverted in that the indiscriminate ass-kickings in Episode 25 actually got them pulled off the council. Asskicking Equals Authority: They got seats on the Tal'Dorei council for saving the Emperor's life.The Whitestone arc also has a lot of the team getting darker and darker, with enemies who are running away being executed, being tortured, and instigating a violent, bloody revolution. Even Pike slit an unconscious guard's throat once (and paid for it). Keyleth means well, but is a Classical Anti-Hero with her self-doubt and awkwardness Tiberius is a classist loner without remorse for buzz-sawing an old woman to death Vax and Vex are prideful (nearly to the point of self-destruction in Episodes 24/25) and money-obsessed, respectively Percy seemed level-headed, but is hiding a survivor complex among other psychological issues that are only getting worse with time Grog doesn't even bother with a pretense of Good, being a Blood Knight hedonist with a Chaotic Neutral alignment and only his alignment sets him apart from Scanlan. Anti-Hero Team: Pretty standard for a D&D adventuring party, best emphasized in Episode 26.

Vox machina